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Археологические исследования места кораблекрушения в 1813 г. корабля Русско-Американской компании «Нева», Ситка, Аляска

МакМэхэн Дэвид Дж.

2017 / Том 13 № 1 2017 [ АРХЕОЛОГИЯ ]

Совместная археологическая разведка 2012 г., проведенная Офисом истории и археологии, Лесной службой США и Историческим обществом Ситки, определила местонахождение (SIT-963) как лагерь людей, выживших в кораблекрушении в январе 1813 г. корабля Русско-Американской компании «Нева». В 2015 и 2016 гг. раскопки на этом местонахождении международной команды археологов доставили находки из лагеря выживших, а также детали оборудование корабля и могилы. Все вместе эти находки не оставляют сомнения в том, что давно забытый лагерь выживших теперь открыт.

Ключевые слова:

археология, Русско-Американский, «Нева», кораблекрушение, лагерь выживших

Библиографический список:

  1. Bland, R.L. Another Version of the Wreck of the Neva. The International Journal of Maritime History 2015, Vol. 27(2), pp. 285-301.
  2. DeArmond, R.N. Fleet, in Alaska Life the Territorial Magazine. Alaska Life Publishing Company, Seattle, 1946. Р. 8-14.
  3. Krusenstern, A.J. Voyage Round the World, in the Years 1803, 1804, 1805, & 1806, by order of His Imperial Majesty Alexander the First, on board the Ships Nadeshda and Neva, 404 pages. Printed by Roworth [I] and T. Davison [II] for John Murray and the Board of Longitude, London, 1813.
  4. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Lloyd’s Register Foundation, London, UK, 1764-present.
  5. Lisiansky U. A voyage round the world: in the years 1803, 4, 5, & 6; performed, by Order of His Imperial Majesty, Alexander the First, Emperor of Russia, in the Ship NEVA, by Urey Lisiansky, Captain in the Russian Navy and Knight of the Orders of St. George and St. Vladimir, London 1814. 388 p.
  6. Massov A. The Visit of the Russian Sloop Neva to Sydney in 1807: 200 Years of Russian-Australian Contacts. In Australian Slavonic and East European Studies (ASEES): 20(1-2), Queensland, 2006. Р. 203-214.
  7. McMahan D. J. Search for the NEVA Wreck Site: 200th Anniversary Expedition: Report of 2012 Investigations. Unpublished [restricted] document on file at the Office of History and Archaeology, Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Anchorage, 2012. 15 p.
  8. Moessner V.J. Translator’s Introduction, in A Voyage Around the World 1803-1807, by Georg Heinrich von Langsdorff, edited by Richard A. Pierce. Limestone Press, Kingston, Ontario, 1993. Р. xi-xxx.
  9. Moessner V.J. 2003 First Russian Voyage around the World: The Journal of Hermann Ludwig von Lowenstern 1803-1806. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks. 510 pages.
  10. Pierce, R.A. Russian America: A Biographical Dictionary. Limestone Press, Kingston, Ontario and Fairbanks, Alaska, 1990. 555 p.
  11. Registry of shipping, London foreign trade, British National Archives BT 107/13, 1803.
  12. Shalkop A. The Wreck of the NEVA, annotated and translated by Antoinette Shalkop, with an introduction by Antoinette Shalkop and Richard Pierce, 64 pages. Published by the Alaska Historical Society and Sitka Historical Society, and partially funded through a grant from the Alaska Historical Commission, Anchorage, 1979.
  13. Tikhmenev P.A. A History of the Russian American Company. Translated and edited by Richard A. Pierce and Alton S. Donnelly, University of Washington Press, Seattle and London 1978. 538 p.
  14. Viires A. Woodworking in Estonia: Historical Survey. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem [translated from Estonian], 1969. 340 p.
  15. Wilber G. (publisher) NEVA - Russian Man of War. In Sitka - our ‘Land of Destiny,’ Pamphlet published by Alaska Publications, Sitka, Alaska. Copy on file at the Sitka Historical Society Museum. 1993. P. 23.



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